Things to check the quality of website to rank well in a search engines [ In 2018 ]
As a competition grows on search engine, new techniques are taking place, old ones are getting redundant. in such scenario how do you actually evaluate your website.You should ask the right questions to yourself and answer it honestly because no website is perfect.Things can go wrong, whether due to technical SEO, on-page optimizations, schema markup, sitemaps, page speed, or etc.
So, lets see some of the important factor in 2018 which can help you rank well in search engines.
- Does your website has a great seeed? Yea speed is major factor in 2018 and if your site is not has enough speed, you are not gonna rank well.
- Does your website contain good amout headline tag ? If no please make sure it does ( With your targeted keyword)
- Does your website has responsive layout, as its most most important to rank high especially in mobile devices, so make sure your site is responsive one.
- Is your site easy to crawl by google ? if not make it easy becouse its not crawlable, its not going to get index by google.
- Is javscript is being used in Navigation, so it will also create problem in crawling and indexing thus hampring overall SEO job.
- Does you site has quality content ?becouse contnt is still the king in 2018 . If your site doesnt have good amount of quality content, rest assure your site is not going to make its mark on search engine .
- Does your site content has your targeted keywork ?If not please do keyword research and insert keywrod on to your site.
- Is your google analytics and webmaster tool is property linked to your website if not kindly link it property and paste repective tags onto your website.
- Make sure your robot.txt file is free of any error, otherwise it might create huge problem to rank well in search engine.
- Make sure your images and videos on the website are well optimized and smushed properly, so that browsers can fetch it quikly thus impving the site speed overall.
- Does your pages and post has a compelling title tags and discription? Yes, Google still does use the meta description quite frequently. I know it seems like sometimes they don’t. But, in fact, there’s a high percent of the time when the actual meta description from the page is used.
- Boost your site with schema markup and rich snippets – The content on your website gets indexed and returned in search results. Obviously. But with schema markup, some of that content gets indexed and returned in a different way.Schema markup is code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users.
These some of the important question you must ask yourself about your website and website development process, if answers of these question are positive you are good to go and ll rank soon on search engine but if you find your self in a wrong positin or the answers of avove question are negative then you have to work upon it and redesgin your web for better search result.
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