Top most followed politician on social media in Chhattisgarh : Raipur Special
Since the 2014 election, the way Narendra Modi won the election with the immense help of his social media brigade and campaigns he ran on almost all social media platform has changed the outlook of state politicians as well in regard to social media management.
People perception is the big thing in politics and social media is the greatest tool is been discovered to manage the people perception & Chhatisgarh’s politician have understood this fact and they have started using it more aggressively and professionally but they are yet to understand how to run a professional political campaign strategy through social media but they are trying hard to catch up with national leaders.
Let us see who is the most followed politician from Chattisgarh:-
1 – Raman Singh
Yes, Being a chief minister of state he is highly popular on Social media, he has almost 14 lakh + followers on facebook & 9 lakh + on Twitter. He is also quite popular in image sharing platform Instagram. He is quite a profession in dealing with his followers and only posts party line things & activity. We have observed a many paid campaign from his account as well, that can be the reason of his high following from other states as well.
2. Brijmohan Agrawal
Brijmohan Agrawal one of the most powerful and popular leaders from Raipur city. He is also quite popular in Social media. He also has hired professional to maintained his account and promoting him social media site. He is highly popular in Facebook than any other social media.
3. Ajay Chnadrakar
State’s Tourism and Culture Minister Ajay Chandrakar s is also highly active on social media, a frequent booster of paid adds. As a state leader, he has a quite a lot of following in Facebook as well as on twitter.
4. Rajesh Munat
Rajesh Munat MLA from Raipur gramin & is a cabinet minister in the Bharatiya Janata Party governed Indian state of Chhattisgarh Pradesh, as PWD minister he is responsible for law and order. He is off late started a social media promotion and quite personal & open in communication with his follower. May this be the reason of his popularity in Social media.
5. Amar Agrawal
A BJP heavyweight MLA from Bilaspur and Industry & Commerce minister in Chhattisgarh cabinet is also been followed by many on social media, though we could not find him on Instagram.
6. Amit Jogi
The most astonishing name in most followed politician from Chattisgarh is a young leader and son of the former chief minister of Ajit Jogi is Amit Jogi. He is quite active on Social media. Jogi Senior & Junior have started their own political party in Chhattisgarh, & they required to do more to beat BJP in Social media platform.
6 . Bhupesh Baghel
The Congress party leaders are lagging far behind from their counterpart from BJP, or even Amit jogi for that matter. The PPC chief has merely 45000 odd followers on Faceook & 3885 followers in twitter.
7. T.s Baba
The leader of Opposition has no presence at social media at large, it is amazing to see as BJP leaders are mounting their popularity on Social Media the Congress has a lot to catch up with them. Maybe they are requiring a good Social Media & Facebook promotion company.